Sunday, December 13, 2015

week 12 - review

Wow, what another fabulous day with your kids!  We truly love working with them each week, and watching their progress.
With the excitement of the christmas party still in those little bodies, we worked some movement into our yoga class, with some dancing and freezing into a yoga pose. Their spontaneity and exuberance is contagious and so much fun.
When we come back in January, we will be back to work with circuit training.  I try to mix things up each time we do this, and not bore the kids with "exercise".  Building a life long love of physical activity is key to a healthy body for life.
Over the break, we hope you find active things for your kids to do.  A stop watch or kitchen timer can be used for circuit training at home.  30 secs each of burpees, jumping jacks, and plank position repeated a few times is a great way to add some exercise for your kids. If they get bored, add some lunges, or squats, walk around the block, or the house - just remember to move.  (i have used wall-sits as a time out)

Merry Christmas.
Teachers Mary and Kellie

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

week 11 review

ooops...looks like I have missed a few of these blogs lately.  sorry.  I know I was too late to post here a couple of times, and sent direct emails instead.  I do try not to miss completely. really.  :)

Okay, so last week we worked on ball play again.  This time I organized three different stations, and had the kids work in teams of 2.  Learning to play together cooperatively is important - helping each other succeed instead of being focused just on winning is a big part of this class.  The ball skills we worked on were throwing, aiming, catching and dribbling (foot work).
The kids enjoyed themselves, learned some new skills and had fun.  At the end of class, we played a short game of soccer.  What a day!

This Thursday we will be focused on our flexibility and strength with yoga.  We will be indoors, so if you want to bring your own yoga mat, that's great.  Please remember - this is not a good day for dresses.  Bring your water bottle!

Thanks for your patience about the blogs. 
Teacher Mary and Teacher Kellie