Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Week 1 in Review

What an awesome first week! I am so excited to be teaching PE this semester. We will be starting off each class with "The Warm-Up Wheel". Last week, after we were all limber, we played a game called "Switch Sides If..." to get to know each other better. The kids stood on two lines facing each other, and I called out things like "switch sides if you have a dog" or "switch sides if you like chocolate ice cream better than vanilla." If it applied to them, they would race to the other side. Next, we played a game called "Octopus" where one child was the Octopus, and s/he would try to tag other kids as they ran from one end of the play area to the other. Anyone s/he tags became seaweed, and while planted on the spot, the seaweed reached out and tried to tag kids as well. They had a blast with this game! 

With all that running around though, you can see how wearing flip flops would be a problem. Please make sure your kids wear good shoes every week and bring a jacket if it's chilly outside. Unless it's raining or terribly cold, I would like to have them outside getting some fresh air. 

Thanks for reading! It's going to be a fun semester!

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