Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Week 4 in Review

This was the first week we had to be inside. :( But I think we did a good job making the most of it! We started with animal relay races (gallop like a horse, stomp like an elephant, jump like a frog, walk like a crab, etc). Next we played a game called "Birds of Prey" (not quite sure why it's called that...). In this game, the kids were divided into 2 teams, and they stood in lines facing the other team, holding hands. All the children had their eyes closed except the first one in each line. One kid stood at the head of the lines in the middle and signaled when to start. As soon as they saw the signal, the first kids in line squeezed the hand of the person next to them and that squeeze was passed down the line as quickly as possible. When the last kid in line felt the squeeze, they ran to grab a bandanna off the floor before the other team got it. The kid to get the bandanna first moved up to the head of the line, and the team to cycle all the kids through first won.

I hope everyone is having a great time in class! We only have 3 more weeks before the upper core kids switch to anatomy. Love of Learners, you're going to help me teach the next group of upper core kids, so be ready!

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